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The ‘New’ New Rules

The New Rules name was chosen to reflect the changed expectations of members of underserved and underrepresented communities when it comes to powerful institutions. The ‘old rules’ of racist and sexist practices, tokenism over real representation, lip service delaying real change, and more were no longer adequate, and every sector needed to step up for change. Under that banner, I helped nonprofits and institutions create more representative and resilient environments since 2018.

The ‘New’ New Rules hones that focus to address the urgent and pernicious gaps that 2023 laid bare when it comes to Canadian institutions properly addressing the intersections of anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia, colonialism and decolonization, and collective liberation.

Our new mission?

Addressing Anti-Palestinian Racism in Canada

Anti-Palestinian Racism (APR) is often the ‘exception’ to equity work that most large institutions have begun doing. While the causes of this are varied, they are also insufficient. The Canadian public is demanding this exception end, and that Palestinian humanity and the interconnectedness of the Palestinian struggle, become part of standard equity and inclusion practices.

Anti-Palestinian Racism education in Canada must draw on many different fields of knowledge in order to be effective. This means that the scourges of colonialism, anti-Black racism and antisemitism, the military industrial complex, Western imperialism and hegemony, and other systemic oppressions must all feed our understanding of how and why APR is so prevalent in Canadian society.

What that looks like…


In February 2024, we launched Anti-Palestinian Racism 101, the first resource targeted to a general audience wanting to learn more about APR. This site and project plans to grow to include the testimonies of victims of APR and shareable resources.


Beisan is available to consult on the topic of APR for organizations committed to addressing it. This work is best suited for educational or non-profit organizations that work with people of Palestinian descent and are committed to addressing the challenges they face.


APR trainings begin by outlining the fundamentals of anti-Palestinian racisms and how they harm its victims, the ways is intersects with other oppressions, and meaningful action steps to take, as an individual or organization on an antiracist journey.


Beisan has been mentoring young people and recent immigrants for almost a decade, and is pivoting to focusing on mentoring and building up the skills and confidence to self-advocate for Palestinian youth and young professionals in Canada.


Public advocacy is an essential part of continuing the shift of consciousness towards Palestinian human rights. From social media to mainstream media to lobbying and targeted campaigns, the New Rules understands that all equitable methods of change are on the table.

Public Speaking

Palestinians deserve to be heard. This means that Palestinians should be given the opportunity to share their own thoughts and experiences, and not be spoken for. Beisan is available for speaking engagements and if she’s not right for your event, she can recommend other Palestinians.

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